Celebrating Polish Independence & Commemorating the Warsaw Uprising: 75 Years Later

Commemorating the Warsaw Uprising: 75 Years Later
Nathaniel Sansom
August 3, 2019

My second week in Poland was filled with both school and recreation as well as reflection and adventure. This past Friday, I took time to pause and remember those who selflessly sacrificed their lives in defense of their Country in the pursuit of freedom as the people of Poland commemorated the Warsaw Uprising. 75 short years ago, as our Allied Forces were fighting to liberate France, on the other side of Europe, the Red Army was advancing and had German-Occupied Poland in its sight. In a conflict that spanned the course of 63 days, Polish patriots- many even younger than myself, selflessly gave of themselves in the pursuit of freedom and in defense of their people and their beloved homeland. This ceremony was a somber reflection of the great sacrifice that the people of Poland have endured. As a nation now in its Third Republic, the people of Poland have shown themselves to be a resilient nation, a people who have looked adversity in the eye - time and time again - always choosing to fight for freedom, no matter the odds. It was a humbling experience.

On a lighter note, I enjoyed delving into Polish culture as I learned how to make Pierogi (no it’s not misspelled, this week I learned that pierogi is actually the plural form- kind of like how you can have 1 or 2 sheep, and will never have “sheeps”, you can have one or more pierogi, yet “pierogis” don’t exist)

Today, I enjoyed venturing along the river that serves a a border between Poland and Slovakia.

Thank you to all of you who have remained in touch, I’m grateful that you’ve joined me for my adventures all of the way from Paris to Poland.

It was interesting to observe an Independence Day Parade of one of America’s closest European allies.
